List of Qualified Applicants for the College of Teacher Education – CTE

For the qualified applicants, make sure to contact the Chairperson of your chosen program for confirmation. Please refer to the contact number below. Type your name, sex, age, address, and course applied with an end note “CONFIRM or BACKOUT”. You may send the following information on July 8 – 22, 2022.

For more details, please contact the following Chairpersons:

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education major in Home Economics (BTLEd-HE)

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics (BSEd-Math)

Mrs. Jessica D. Astillo – 0951-363-8790

Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)

Mrs. Dobielyn T. Ombajin – 0947-290-6662

Further, qualified applicants in the College of Teacher Education (CTE) may also confirm the application via Google form using the link below;


  • You need to log in with a Google Account to access the form
  • Please take note of your Number in the list as it will be required in the form


Failure to confirm within the scheduled date, slots will be opened automatically for re-ranking.

Thank you very much.